Sweeping Reform

A Change in the Status Quo

As a result of the information we collect on Pro Se attendants being denied justice 

we will also be seeking Sweeping Reform

: Reform consists of changes and improvements to a law, social system, or institution


Pro Se Legal Representation is Exploding

25%, 50%, 75% of cases being filed in Certain Courts and states are Pro Se, but how is it that 

at the same time Personal Injury claims are guarded by both the Personal Injury attorneys and

to some degree Courts as only for Lawyers


New State  guidelines for PRO SE Litigants   

Several states now have guidelines for Judges regarding Pro Se litigants that enable such 

to maneuver effectively for justice in our court systems 

See this Bench Guide for Judicial Officers regarding Pro Cases


Review of Personal Injury Lawyers Practices 

How are these attorneys making such enormous amounts that they are even now;

 funding judge elections in certain states, advertising as much on TV as major corporations


America Desperately needs - A New Class of  Insurance Agencies 

There is now in America, "Benefit Corporations"  

A benefit corporation is a traditional corporation with modified obligations, 

committing it to higher standards of purpose, accountability and transparency: 

to create general public benefit.

Why do we need Allstate to create MAYHEM  for Pro Se Litigants; 

denying claims, underpaying damages, destroying peoples lives 

all this while Allstate has a current Market Cap of 33.67 Billion Dollars 

their sales are 51 Billion dollars in 2022 


State and Federal Regulations of Insurance agencies 

guarantee the solvency of Insurance companies against claims

but is this allowing for new competition. Why do we need Allstate Insurance to perform

 so well beyond State Regulations for Solvency that they are monopolizing 

Personal Car Insurance competitive pressure needed to both lower consumer cost and pay claims


The Worst Car Insurance Company for Denying Claims

The AAJ, American Association for Justice rating the worst major insurance company

 for denying justice to boost profits as ALLSTATE



Pro Se Litigants it is your time to stand up and be heard 


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